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프로그래머스, 게임 맵 최단거리


프로그래머스, 게임 맵 최단거리






코드 중심의 개발자 채용. 스택 기반의 포지션 매칭. 프로그래머스의 개발자 맞춤형 프로필을 등록하고, 나와 기술 궁합이 잘 맞는 기업들을 매칭 받으세요.








최단거리 = BFS, 큐 활용



❌ 나의 풀이

def bfs(R, C, r,c, maps):
    dr = [-1,0,1,0]
    dc = [0,1,0,-1]
    queue = [(r, c, 1)] # row, cloumn, distance
    while queue:
        cur_r, cur_c, distance = queue.pop(0)
        maps[cur_r][cur_c] = 'v' # visited
        if cur_r == R-1 and cur_c == C-1:
            return distance
        for i in range(4):
            next_r, next_c = cur_r + dr[i], cur_c + dc[i]
            if 0 <= next_r < R and 0 <= next_c < C and maps[next_r][next_c] == 1:
                queue.append((next_r, next_c, distance+1))
    return -1      

def solution(maps):
    answer = bfs(len(maps), len(maps[0]), 0, 0, maps)
    return answer

효율성 검사 불통!!


원인이 되는 코드

 maps[cur_r][cur_c] = 'v' # visited

문자(2byte)와 숫자(1byte)를 비교하는게 비효율적


cur_r, cur_c, distance = queue.pop(0)

list의 첫번째 요소를 빼면 뒤에 있는 요소들이 모두 이동해 비효율적

deque를 사용해 popleft()해주는게 더 좋다.


✅ 제출 코드1

from collections import deque

def bfs(R, C, maps):
    dr = [-1, 0, 1, 0]
    dc = [0, 1, 0, -1]
    queue = deque([(0, 0, 1)]) # row, cloumn, distance
    visited = [[False for _ in range(C)] for _ in range(R)]

    while queue:
        cur_r, cur_c, distance = queue.popleft()
        if cur_r == R-1 and cur_c == C-1:
            return distance

        for i in range(4):
            next_r, next_c = cur_r + dr[i], cur_c + dc[i]
            if 0 <= next_r < R and 0 <= next_c < C and not visited[next_r][next_c] and maps[next_r][next_c] == 1:
                visited[next_r][next_c] = True
                queue.append((next_r, next_c, distance+1))

    return -1

def solution(maps):
    answer = bfs(len(maps), len(maps[0]), maps)
    return answer


✅ 제출 코드2

from collections import deque

def bfs(R, C, r,c, maps):
    dr = [-1,0,1,0]
    dc = [0,1,0,-1]
    queue = deque([(r, c, 1)]) # row, cloumn, distance
    visited = [[False for _ in range(C)] for _ in range(R)]
    while queue:
        cur_r, cur_c, distance = queue.popleft()
        maps[cur_r][cur_c] = -1 # visited
        if cur_r == R-1 and cur_c == C-1:
            return distance
        for i in range(4):
            next_r, next_c = cur_r + dr[i], cur_c + dc[i]
            if 0 <= next_r < R and 0 <= next_c < C and maps[next_r][next_c] == 1:
                maps[next_r][next_c] = -1 # visited
                queue.append((next_r, next_c, distance+1))
    return -1      

def solution(maps):
    answer = bfs(len(maps), len(maps[0]), 0, 0, maps)
    return answer


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